Bob's Red Mill
Bob’s Red Mill White Rice Flour
Organic White Rice Flour is 100% stone ground from premium white rice. It’s excellent in gluten free baking and as a thickening agent in sauces and gravies. As with all of our rice products, this rice flour is made from high quality grain.
Good things come to those who bake: DO NOT EAT RAW DOUGH OR BATTER.
To Your Good Health
Gluten Free
This gluten free product was handled exclusively in our dedicated gluten free facility and tested for gluten free integrity in our quality control laboratory using an ELISA Gluten Assay test.
As a continued commitment to the quality of the products we make and sell, this product has been certified Kosher by OK Kosher Certification of Brooklyn, New York.
All Bob’s Red Mill products are vegetarian. This product is also vegan, meaning it does not include eggs, dairy or honey.
Stone Ground
Our stone-ground flours and meals are made the old fashioned way, on our slow-turning quartz-stone mills. This time honored technique maintains cool temperatures, which preserves the natural flavor and healthy nutrition of the grains.
This product was grown and produced using a uniform set of methods established by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program and third-party certified organic by Quality Assurance International.
Non-GMO Project Verified
Bob’s Red Mill products are made without the use of bioengineering and use ingredients grown from identity preserved seeds. Currently, more than 240 of our products have been verified with the Non-GMO Project. Visit NonGMOProject.org for the full list.