Wildly Organic
Organic Brazil Nuts: 7 OZ
Love seeds and nuts? Then you owe it to yourself to try Wildly Organic’s raw Brazil nuts. They’re in a class all of their own!
Wildly Organic Brazil nuts for sale are grown in South America and represent the highest quality organic Brazil Nuts available. Our Brazil nuts are shelled with care, yielding high-grade, large whole nuts. Wildly Organic Brazil nuts are only harvested once each year in late fall. Because of this, we do everything possible to ensure these nuts maintain their "just picked" quality all year long. We store all of our nuts in vapor-barrier pouches and test the moisture level before packaging.
Wildly Organic Brazil Nuts arrive ready-to-use in 7 ounce and 1 pound vapor-barrier, resealable packaging to maintain freshness. 25 pounds available in a plastic bag (with no branding), zip-tied, and boxed. All packaging includes an oxygen absorber.